dilluns, 11 de maig del 2015

Paper Book vs Digital Book

Nowadays we are in an age which the traditional books made of paper and the digital books are coexisting, but which of them is better than the other? The paper book or the digital book?

Advantages and disadvantages of the paper book: 

On one hand, the paper book is better than the digital book, for the feeling of having a book in your hands, reading it page by page, or even the touch of the paper with your skin. Another pro of the paper book is the relative resistance to water. A paper book does not start to fail after being soaked. And of course less fragile than the last-generation of eBooks.

On the other hand. The paper books are more inflamable than the digital books, and more sensitive when you try to rip the pages. Or even the ink when the book gets wet the sentences will be moved. Another disadvantatge of the paper book is that the paper books are more expensive than a digital book.

Advantages and disadvantages of the digital book: 

On one hand, the digital books are cheaper than paper books and easier to bring it in a bag, because they are stored in the eBook. The brigthness of an eBook is easy to regulate and the pages are easier to moved them to continue reading.

On the other hand, digital books are more sensitive to water, bringing them to an short-circuit and them at least, being useless.


In conclusion, and in my opinion, I would always be a paper book reader, the fomat of the digital book and the idea of having a tablet instead of a book it's a thing that annoys me.

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