dissabte, 28 de maig del 2016

Last post of my blog(or hope so)

Well, it has been a long year since my 1st of Batxillerat started, and I've made many posts all around this long 8-9( don't know how much were they exactly) but I'm very pleased of seeing that my blog has a usual audience that likes what I write(even though what I write is completely freaky content or random things without sense), and yeah it makes me feel very succesful and that my work has a reward after all, a emotional reward.

And there's much to say after all, this post is just for greeting that my work has been supported around all this time.

Sincerely, thank you.


Nixxiom, my favourite English-speaker Youtuber, is a very funny WoW-content maker in Youtube's media platform. His content is based in the MMORPG World of Warcraft and all his footages are simply awesome and fun. 

It's content about World of Warcraft is very varied, but always funny and even crazy sometimes.

Anyway, Nixxiom and his mate Moocluck, when they make videos are an explosive couple that will make you laugh always(well only if you understand what's the video going about).

So, if, Nixxiom, you are reading this post, know that I'm a big fan of you and your content in Youtube is awesome.


Today for me is a boring day. I got head ache and it's difficult for me to write this post, but anyway today is a boring day. I'm trying to finish this goddamn it blog(once for all, or that is what I expect... who knows) anyway, that's why I'm typing now, just for comunicating you how boring is this day for me. 

Imagine a day as another, without any difference, but in this case you have a lot of things to do, but you don't know how to do them all. And there's where the boring factor comes in, you don't know how to develop your posts, and finally you finish posting random and strange things that don't have any type sense( like me :D).

And all that is what I make when I don't have any type of inspiration at the time of posting essays in my blog.

I don't know what to talk about so I'm going to talk about random things

Random, yes this is the word that describes this post. What a curious word. Lets look at the dictionary what it says about this word. According to the dictionary, random is a thing that has came by chance or has been chosen by chance. Damn it, why it is chosen by chance if it's random? Nevermind, I think that would be linguists' logic. Of course that has not logic, linguists have made a degree of philology, who in his sane judgement would do that? I think that is a mistake, it has no logic in doing that. Well worse is the case of the people who decided to make an economics degree in Spain. Oh c'mon, you know we are in crisis or an economic recession, please be clever and don't give banks more reasons to steal our money and sink more the country's economy. Economy... that's a s**t, I have no more words to describe it. Damn it all big businesses rules us, even the government are ruled by them...
Iluminati confirmed? Could be.

P.S. : Please forgive me for my high stupidity levels today, I haven't slept a lot this night.

Your watch starts now

Overwatch. A new game developed by Blizzard which in less than a week is being one of the most played games.The game consist in two teams of 6 members, who can choose a hero with his unique role, which would battle against each other in order to win the game. 

I've played Overwatch since the free beta version was released and damn, I was hyped to know when this awesome game would be launched to market. And now, when it was launched the 24th of May of 2016, I was feeling that my watch, has started now, and my duty is to make sure that a better world comes for the next generations.

Who knows if the world needs more heroes... 

dissabte, 21 de maig del 2016

Which superpower I want?

Imagine that you can have a superpower, which one would you choose? Me, personally I would choose transforming mysekf into animals(all type of animals) or super regeneration like Deadpool, yeah Deadpool's regeneration rocks a lot. 

You wold be asking yourself.... "Why this idiot wants to transform himself into a animal?".
Well let me explain. I would choose this superpower because it is funny to transform yourself into an animal, have you ever thought about it? Transforming yoursef into a cat and go and scratch someone you dislike, or being a bird and spying what the people thinks of you. I really like this kind of superpower.

And talking about of having Deadpool's regeneration would be really awesome, think about it, if you got any ill or damaged cells, it would only take a few seconds to have a new ones, no more cancer for us, and if there is the case of losing an arm or a legg it wouldn't be a problem, in less than a day you have a new one! Amazing, don't you think?

For those reasons I consider that if  I can have a superpower would be on of those two.

Lament for Thorin Oakenshield

This is one of the most emotional songs I've listened about from The Hobbit trylogy. It is not an official soundtrack of the movie, instead of that, it is a fanmade song made by a singer I posted two months ago, the incredible Eurielle. Her voice in this song fits perfectly and the rythm she gives to the song, a very slow rythm for a very sad song.

Everytime I listen to this awesome song it gives my goosebumps, is incredible how I can empathize with the characters whi appear in the video, lamenting Thorin's death, the death of one of the most epic character in all fantasy worlds.

Farewell Thorin, our most mighty king...

My favourite WoW character

World of Warcraft is a massive game with a lot of characters who have been created and give us quests day after day. Others who represent WoW races and many other those are just minions. In this immensity of characters I'm going to choose three of my favourite characters: Arthas The Lich King, Garrosh Hellscream and Tirion Fordring The Lord of the Argent Crusade. 

Arthas The Lich King
Arthas is the most known character in the whole lore and universe of Warcraft. After proclaiming himself as the Lich King, Lord from the Scourge, he began to be one of the most beloved characters in Warcraft. That's because his very detailed fall into darkness when he tried to defend his kingdom, Lordaeron from the very first Scourge's attacks.
Once prince, death knight, then Lich King, now legend.

Garrosh Hellscream
Garrosh Hellscream, son of Grommash Hellscream. Once the leader of the Mag'har Orcs, champion of the Horde and Warchief of the Horde.  Now is one the most diffucult and memorable raid bosses in the whole game. Garrosh is not a character with a huge change behind it, but is most memorable emotional change was when Thrall said: "You disappoint me Garrosh". Then Garrosh had a change inside of him, that almost led the Horde to his self-destruction. I like Garrosh as a character because his determination in doing what he considers that is right.

Tirion Fordring The Lord of the Argent Crusade
The most powerful Paladin in all World of Warcraft. The only man who faced Arthas the Lich King and defeated him. Tirion with his well-known weapon, Ashbringer, has been an example for the Azeroth leaders in their fight against the Lich King. Showing them that they cannot win the Scourge alone.

dimarts, 10 de maig del 2016

Film review: Warcraft the Begging


"When past and present collide, the fate of all worlds hangs in the balance." -Prophet Velen

This time this is not a movie that I'm going to make a review about, it is going to be a trailer. Warcraft: The Begging. A new  movie which is going to be released on the 3rd of June in Spain. For me is the most anticipated movie of 2016. Why? Because I sold my soul to Blizzard(yes I'm one of Blizzard's nerds who still pay 13 euros monthly to play the biggest MMORPG in the entire world). I've seen the trailer many times and I'm not getting tired of it. I can feel the hype running in my veins. I can't wait until it is released, I cannot wait. I need all this epic animation to be watched by my eyes.

One thing that I don't like about people when they talk about the movie is: "This movie is going to be war, war and war during two complete hours..." And my answer to it is: NO. I've read many lore articles about the First War(the main fact which the movie will go around), and obviously there are many battles in the story, but the are many relevant facts, those more important than the battles.

If you disagree with this essay do not trust the words of a veteran WoW player who loves the lore, go and see the movie to prove which of us was wrong.