diumenge, 26 de febrer del 2017


Like two weeks ago I started playing one of my favourites games: Fire Emblem: Fates. Concretely I started playing the Birthright edition. And I'm very satisfied with muy choice. I started playing the FE saga with FE Awakening in 3DS, but FE Fates is much better than Awakening. 

FE Fates has am incredible plot: you are the prince of Nohr, but somehow you discover that you are the descendant of the kingdom which is warring with Nohr, Hoshido. At some point of the story you have to chose: fight for Nohr and conquer Hoshido, or deffend Hoshido from the Nohrian offensive(there's a third choice which is go by your own and fight Hoshido and Nohr at the same time).

Personally, I would choose the third choice if what happens in the game has sense, but that's not the case so, if I must choose between Conquest or Birthright, I would choose Birthright. Why you may ask, but I don't have any idea of this choice, I just followed my instinct and that happened.

dissabte, 25 de febrer del 2017

Switch time

Resultat d'imatges de zelda ocarina of time n64Nintendo Switch is almost in the market, and the hype is real. Motherf***ing real. And I'm among the hyped people, seriously. This new console is making Nintendo reach its former glory in its golden days. When The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Pokemon were the coolest thing among the youth.

Resultat d'imatges de nintendo 64When Nintendo had its golden days(1998) I wasn't born, but my parents felt the "gamer" passion that was being more and more present. And they told me how a single console could be liked so much. Even my mother started playing the Nintendo 64. And for what I had understood it was my mother who played more from my parents.

But that has happened nearly 20 ago, and now those times come again. Nintendo has abandoned his "for the families" method of selling and they are now focusing in us, the mature public, the real players. And certainly, they are doing it well, very well. Releasing titles such as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, or The Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim for the console. I'M GOING TO BUY IT WITHOUT ANY DOUBT.

divendres, 24 de febrer del 2017

Gay or European?

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pCybcpkm5c

This link drives you to a video of a song, that Dario showed me a week ago. And I'm addicted to it because it's hilarious in all ways. The song belongs to a musical named Legally Blonde and I'm not sure of the plot, but this song is the best musical song I've ever listened to(I must admit that I have never ever gone to a musical, at least as far as my memory can reach).

What I like the most of the song is the way how the Americans see us, the Europeans, it's jus funny to see that we are for them. It is just a question of stereotypes I suppose, lmao. But anyway, I recommend you to see the video and have a great time listening to this funny song!