dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2015

Control of the world... In my hands?!?

A question that many times I've asked to myself is... What would I do, if the control of our entire world is in my hands? And my answer to this question is... Refuse it. Let me explain why I would refuse it. I know a bit how am I. I have a custom in me, that consist in putting myslef in diferent situations and think what would I do. One of the situations, is the one that I have written some lines over.

My reason the refuse a power like this, is because some time after controling the world, I would become a dictator, a tyrant. With this little knowledge of me, that I've mentioned before, I can make sure that I'll become a dictator. That's why I'll never be a politician. Because having this power, I would solve the global problems, yes, but in me, a hunger of power would change me. I will erradicate from the Earth everyone who don't think like me, don't matter the way when the result is the one you wanted. Having said that, you may think that I will be worser than Adolf Hitler or Stalin, and you are right, I think it too. 

Before I finish, let me ask you a question: are you strong enough to have this power, and  more important, are you strong enough to not change when you have it?

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