divendres, 17 de març del 2017

Should boys always ask a girl out or can a girl ask out too?

Boys are meant to always ask a girl to go out, but I want to ask something: if women are defending the equality between genders why they don't do things that are supposed to be done by men?

Resultat d'imatges de declararseI mean, we don't have to be always the ones that have to ask to go out because a relationship is a thing of two, and not always the man has to take the first step. With that I'm not saying that things must change, I just say that we can break conventionalisms and do things in a different way rather than the one we are used to.

I don't want to be "revolutionary" in this issue, but a good alternative would be talking the possibility of going out together and how this relationship is going to work. I'm not well-informed when it comes to open relationships but for what I've heard, many aspects are talked(such as having affairs with other people, if you can repeat the person with who you had an affair if there are "rules" concerning this kind of aspects that may be important  to be talked before you plunge blindly into the unknown).

In conclusion, I think that maybe it doesn't matter who is going to ask going out but the most important part is to talk how the relationship is going to be or how is it going to work instead of worrying who is going to ask going out(at least that's my opinion).

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