divendres, 10 de març del 2017

China, the place where evolution started?


Resultat d'imatges de The 423 million year old 'armour plated' fish that shows sea creatures may have evolved in China far earlier than anywhere else Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4295460/Ancient-fish-China-evolved-Age-Fish.html#ixzz4awsPaBka Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Scientists have discovered an ancient fish species in Southern China that may have emerged more than a million years before the "Age of Fish".  The fossils of this fish species reveal that the creature had unusual teeth and scales that for scientists resembled a "wall of shields". Using a fossils dating system has been discovered that the fossils have been dated back to the Silurian Period, long before the Devonian Period(which gave rise to a diverse abundance of jawed fishes).


When I was younger I wished to become a paleontologist, nowadays, I understood that paleontology is a very interesting science, but it hasn't an important paper like the genetics have(it's sad but true, and I don't like to admit that one science is more relevant than another, because I like both sciences). But I enjoy this kind of news, that help me to expand my scientific knowledge about dinosaurs and how life was more than 65.000.000 years before.

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