divendres, 17 de març del 2017

My research project

Do we know what we eat?

In my research project titled "Do we know what we eat?" I'm going to find out the pros and cons of the transgenic food. First of all, I've chosen this topic because Genetics and Biotechnology are possible degrees that I'm going to do next year. First of all, the objectives of the research project are: to find if transgenic food is harmful to our body, prove if transgenic organisms are better than normal organisms, and study how the farming of transgenics has affected the locality of Castelló d'Empúries.

In my theoric part, I've researched the history of the transgenics since the Prehistory until now, then the processes that are used to produce transgenic food, after that the tools that are used in those processes, and finally I've researched the pros and cons of the transgenics and I gave my opinion.

In my practice part, I planted some ecological corn and some transgenic corn, and then I compared its growth. As I saw the transgenic corn grew faster than the ecological, so I concluded that transgenic corn is more efficient. For studying how the farming of transgenics has affected Castelló d'Empúries I studied the local gardens. In my study, I considered that the only transgenic that is farmed in Castelló d'Empúries is corn, and then I investigated which was the proportion of transgenic corn in front of ecological corn. The proportion of them was around 75-80% transgenic corn and 20-25% ecological corn.

In conclusion and as showed, transgenic corn is more suitable for farmers because it grows faster and it increases their earnings. And in my opinion, transgenics can make our life better but they need to be more regulated.

Should boys always ask a girl out or can a girl ask out too?

Boys are meant to always ask a girl to go out, but I want to ask something: if women are defending the equality between genders why they don't do things that are supposed to be done by men?

Resultat d'imatges de declararseI mean, we don't have to be always the ones that have to ask to go out because a relationship is a thing of two, and not always the man has to take the first step. With that I'm not saying that things must change, I just say that we can break conventionalisms and do things in a different way rather than the one we are used to.

I don't want to be "revolutionary" in this issue, but a good alternative would be talking the possibility of going out together and how this relationship is going to work. I'm not well-informed when it comes to open relationships but for what I've heard, many aspects are talked(such as having affairs with other people, if you can repeat the person with who you had an affair if there are "rules" concerning this kind of aspects that may be important  to be talked before you plunge blindly into the unknown).

In conclusion, I think that maybe it doesn't matter who is going to ask going out but the most important part is to talk how the relationship is going to be or how is it going to work instead of worrying who is going to ask going out(at least that's my opinion).

"Why do we love?" questions

1.Discuss. Why do we love? It’s heart-breaking and complicated most of the times yet do we need it at all?
Why do we love? It's a question that is hard to answer, because everybody loves for a different reason, so I cannot give an answer to this question.

2. How does the video define love? Put the words in order
soul crushing-4th
3. What are the 5 Philosophers mentioned?

Arthur Schopenhauer

Bertrand Russell
Siddharta Gautama(Buddha)

Simone de Beauviour
4. Watch again and write each Philosopher’s view on love.

Plato - Love makes us whole, again.
Schopenhauer - Love tricks us into having babies
Russell - Love is escape from out loneliness
Buddha - Love is a misleading affliction
Beauvoir - Love lets us reach beyond ourselves

5. Vocabulary work. Which Philosopher says what?
Dependance on another means boredom and power games-Beauviour
We succeed in perpetuating human species and perpetuating human tragedy-Arhtur Schopenhauer
Quench our physical and psychological desires-Bertrand Russell
It enriches our whole being together-Rusell
Attachments are a great source of suffering-Buddha
Love is the longing to find a soulmate who makes us feel whole again-Plato
Love infuses our life with meaning-Beauviour

dimecres, 15 de març del 2017

Nip&Tuck dialogue


Nip & tuck
Scenario: Two men in the shower of a changing room of a  public pool.
Characters: Edd, Ed.

Edd: Ah, la vache. Your name should be Sd instead of Ed, or maybe XSd.
Ed:  Fuck you Edd, you’re a fucking nigga, you can use your dick as a belt, I’m not so overdue as you, YO!
Edd: Shut up little Johnny, it’s enough with ur sis saying that. Maybe it’s a family thing, should ur mom meet my yogurt gun?
Ed: Screw that, man! Damn you! How you dare to say such things? My family is not going to see your wiener.
Edd: Can  you stop talking ‘bout m’ meatboy? You know, it’s a HUGE topic ‘n’ we don’t have much time.
Ed: That’s disgusting Edd.
Edd: Okay, look, do I look like that british vampire? I think that I need a ROLO ROAD DA!
Ed: You have thrown the soap with your stupid pose and I won’t catch it, not with you around me.
Edd: Don’t worry I will wait ‘till you grow up a little bit, kiddo.
Ed: Daaaaaaamn son... Fuck you. I’mm have to escape from you. Anyway I’m  going out of the shower.
Edd: Okay m8. We should go fast as Sonic to go to our reunion with that spiky-haired attorney.
Ed: Fine... But I need to go home and pick good clothes. I won’t go there in a swimming suit.
Edd: As you wish, but I thinl u look quite sexy in that bikini. No kidding.
Ed: It’s not a bikini, it’s a full-body swimming suit. BAKA!

divendres, 10 de març del 2017

China, the place where evolution started?


Resultat d'imatges de The 423 million year old 'armour plated' fish that shows sea creatures may have evolved in China far earlier than anywhere else Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4295460/Ancient-fish-China-evolved-Age-Fish.html#ixzz4awsPaBka Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Scientists have discovered an ancient fish species in Southern China that may have emerged more than a million years before the "Age of Fish".  The fossils of this fish species reveal that the creature had unusual teeth and scales that for scientists resembled a "wall of shields". Using a fossils dating system has been discovered that the fossils have been dated back to the Silurian Period, long before the Devonian Period(which gave rise to a diverse abundance of jawed fishes).


When I was younger I wished to become a paleontologist, nowadays, I understood that paleontology is a very interesting science, but it hasn't an important paper like the genetics have(it's sad but true, and I don't like to admit that one science is more relevant than another, because I like both sciences). But I enjoy this kind of news, that help me to expand my scientific knowledge about dinosaurs and how life was more than 65.000.000 years before.

Massages over Wi-Fi

Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4301634/Vibrating-touch-gloves-let-couples-touch-long-distance.html


Resultat d'imatges de Creepy vibrating touch gloves let couples hold hands, cuddle and even give massages over WiFiThe "Flex-N-Feel" gloves are a prototype of interconnected gloves that have been developed to respond to finger movements over Wi-Fi. These gloves allow the couple to feel the other hand's movements. When one partner moves their fingers it's felt in the glove of the other person. Thanks to this technology, couples can share a walk, watch a movie or even give a massage over long distances.


Quite shocking, huh? Now we can give massages over distance, that's freaking amazing. It's amazing to see how fast technology evolves and tries to make our lives easier. Although we don't have flying cars as expected in 2000, I think that our society, our technological society will reach the point of an idyllic technological paradise where technology is going to solve all our problems.