dilluns, 30 de gener del 2017

Darth Revan

Resultat d'imatges de darth revanMaybe one of the most known characters of the Expanded Universe of Star Wars and one of the most influential Sith that has ever existed. Formerly a jedi, after the Mandalorian wars a Sith, and finally a Jedi again after his redeem.

Darth Revan is a very influential characters in the Star Wars Story because of his philosophy, that later inspired Darth Bane to crate the Rule of two. His intention as a Dark Lord of the Sith  was to prepare the Galactic Republic from the arrival of the Reconstructed Sith Empire, which was operating from the Outer Rim.

Why do I like Darth Revan? Just look at him, he looks completely BADASS with it's costume. It is f*cking amazing. It's a pity that a costume of him for carnival has to cost more than 100 euros...

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