diumenge, 20 de març del 2016

I can be Iron Man

Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3499462/Now-Iron-Man-Panasonic-reveals-exoskeletons-allow-wearer-run-like-ninja-lift-heavy-objects.html

Last year, the firm showed a mega exoskeleton resembles the Power Loader exoskeleton suit from the Alien movies (pictured). The user would strap it around their shoulders, waist and on thigh. It had four embedded sensors that would trigger 20 engines, which would reduce human energy.
This article talks us about  of how Panasonic has revelead an exoskeleton that would make us seem like Iron Man, increasing our physical strength and agility.

This exoskeletons would be used to the assistance of  industrial workers and sportsmen without breaking a sweat.

It's interesting to see how sciencie and technology is progressing every day more and more, and making possible things that were only real in our imagination or in science-fiction.

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