dissabte, 19 de març del 2016

Description of a classmate

Tim Steinigerm is a friend of mine, he studies with me in Batxillerat. He is 17 years old and he enjoys going with friends.

Tim has an earring in his left ear. He is broad-shouldered and middle-sized. At the moment Tim is wearing a black sweater with some red letter and grey dragons drawn on it. He also wears black trousers with black shoes. Oh, I've forgotten it, Tim has green eyes and a very coloured skin in his face.

Tim is a very happy person overall, he never gets affected by his problems, he laughs for everything, that is one of his bests qualities. He is also a "troll" person who enjoys annoying without bad intentions, just for laughing.

In conclusion, Tim is one of my friends who asks what's wrong with you when I'm worried or concerned about something.

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