dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2016

It's gonna be legen... wait for it... DARY!!!

Resultat d'imatges de barney stinsonHave you ever thougnt abou how awesome looks Barney Stinson? With his dinner suit, his behaviour of being the boss wherever he goes, and all this stuff, all the chicks he gets, etc. But quite a long time ago I got stunned when I knew he was homosexual.

In real life, Neil Patrick Harris aka Barney Stinson is homosexual, and for the very first time I heard that, my mind said me: "Dude he's an awesome actor no one can deny it". Think about it are there many actors that are homosexual but then while acting they can assume a role of the king of chicks, that deserves a huge applause and recognition as actor.

A similar cas happens in the American sitcom of Modern Family where there is a  homosexual couple: Mitchell and Cameron. Cameron is the contrary case of Barney Stinson. In real life Cameron is heterosexual.  While you watch Modern Family and someone says: "Did you know that one of those of the homosexual couple is not homosexual in real life?". And automatically you would think of Mitchell, because in the sitcom he seems less extravagant than Cameron, but it's not!! 

Resultat d'imatges de cameron tuckerEric Stonestreet aka Cameron Tucker is an incredible actor who make the reverse step that Neil Patrick Harris has taken. After watching an episode of the sitcom, you would never think that he is heterosexual in real life.

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