dissabte, 26 de novembre del 2016

I wanna the very best, that no one ever was...

First of all, please play the video below to feel how I felt while writting this blog entry. Thank you! ^^

Resultat d'imatges de pokemon sun
3 days ago an awesome videogame was released in Spain, and it's name is: Pokémon: Sun & Moon. My experience as Pokémon trainer starts 14 years ago when I was 3 years old. My parents bought me my first Pokémon game ever: Pokémon Sapphire. Since then I bought every single Pokémon game, with the exceptions of Platinum  and Apha Sapphire & Omega Ruby. Pokémon has been a very influential game in my life, because it was one of my favourite games. 

I'll tell you a little story of mine. I live in Spain, and the way I learnt to  speak spanish was by watching Pokémon. My first words in spanish were: ¡Adelante Pikachu!. That happened when I was 5 years old.

But focusing in Pokemon's new game... IT IS FREAKING AWESOME!!!!! The most mature game of all the saga, with the best graphics and sprite, and over all with a very good in-game story.

I make say for sure that this new Pokémon game will mark a before and an after in compeptitive Pokémon mechanics and in the game history overall.

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