dissabte, 26 de novembre del 2016

Is the Tasmanian Tiger truly extinct?

Resultat d'imatges de tasmanian tiger

Some days ago a group of amateur scientists capture a footage of a dog-like creature in the surroundings of Victoria, Australia. The scientific group claims that the creature would be  a specimen of the extincted Tasmanian Tiger. The point of their theory is based on the similarities between the tail of the Tasmanian Tiger and the filmed creature. However all these assumptions, the last know Tasmanian Tiger was thought to had died at Hobart zoo in 1936.


It's really pleasant that a very rare and beautiful creature such as the Tasmanian Tiger also known as the Marsupial Wofl still lives or at least it's supposed to be. I feel pleased because animals should not be extincted by the hand of men, because we are destroying the beauty and singularity of our planet.

I wanna the very best, that no one ever was...

First of all, please play the video below to feel how I felt while writting this blog entry. Thank you! ^^

Resultat d'imatges de pokemon sun
3 days ago an awesome videogame was released in Spain, and it's name is: Pokémon: Sun & Moon. My experience as Pokémon trainer starts 14 years ago when I was 3 years old. My parents bought me my first Pokémon game ever: Pokémon Sapphire. Since then I bought every single Pokémon game, with the exceptions of Platinum  and Apha Sapphire & Omega Ruby. Pokémon has been a very influential game in my life, because it was one of my favourite games. 

I'll tell you a little story of mine. I live in Spain, and the way I learnt to  speak spanish was by watching Pokémon. My first words in spanish were: ¡Adelante Pikachu!. That happened when I was 5 years old.

But focusing in Pokemon's new game... IT IS FREAKING AWESOME!!!!! The most mature game of all the saga, with the best graphics and sprite, and over all with a very good in-game story.

I make say for sure that this new Pokémon game will mark a before and an after in compeptitive Pokémon mechanics and in the game history overall.

dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2016

It's gonna be legen... wait for it... DARY!!!

Resultat d'imatges de barney stinsonHave you ever thougnt abou how awesome looks Barney Stinson? With his dinner suit, his behaviour of being the boss wherever he goes, and all this stuff, all the chicks he gets, etc. But quite a long time ago I got stunned when I knew he was homosexual.

In real life, Neil Patrick Harris aka Barney Stinson is homosexual, and for the very first time I heard that, my mind said me: "Dude he's an awesome actor no one can deny it". Think about it are there many actors that are homosexual but then while acting they can assume a role of the king of chicks, that deserves a huge applause and recognition as actor.

A similar cas happens in the American sitcom of Modern Family where there is a  homosexual couple: Mitchell and Cameron. Cameron is the contrary case of Barney Stinson. In real life Cameron is heterosexual.  While you watch Modern Family and someone says: "Did you know that one of those of the homosexual couple is not homosexual in real life?". And automatically you would think of Mitchell, because in the sitcom he seems less extravagant than Cameron, but it's not!! 

Resultat d'imatges de cameron tuckerEric Stonestreet aka Cameron Tucker is an incredible actor who make the reverse step that Neil Patrick Harris has taken. After watching an episode of the sitcom, you would never think that he is heterosexual in real life.

An underwater terrorific cave...


Resultat d'imatges de cenote angelita caveAn underwater photographer, Tom St George, dove into the cenote- a cave filled with water-. This cave has a really bloodcurdling look. This cenote is located near the Mayan city of Tulum, on Mexico's east coast, in particular on Yucatan's peninsula. The mist is hidrogen sulphide, and it is over the point where salt water meets with fresh water. From above the cenote looks very clear with its fresh water but below this clear water this misty "lake" appears. The mist is formed by the descomposition of organic matter in the water, in absence of oxygen.


Wow, that's sooooo creepy. I'd like to dive in those waters it would be sooooo amazing to see this cenote while diving. Hopefully I can visit it when I go to Mexico this December, please God be nice and make me visit it.

007 Confirmed.



Resultat d'imatges de JetPack Aviation's JB-10A business is selling its new product, JetPack Aviation's JB-10, to a very small group of customers. This jetpack is the world's very first commercially available jetpack, just like it was extracted from a James Bond Movie.  The company has set up a funding campaign which has already raised its tenth of its goal. The objective of this campaign is to earn enough money to make real an electric jetpack.


I'm not a fan of the 007 movies but, I like this idea of  inventing a jetpack available, at least for now(I believe), for a small group of customers. I may be useful for some rescuing operations or who knows... Anyway I think that the dream of many kids has become true, but with a very expensive price.