divendres, 22 de gener del 2016

What I would like to be

Most of you may know what a Sith is, if you have seen Star Wars once in your life. Well, Sith. Lords from the dark side of the Force. People who everyone fear. A dream for me. Being a person who has authority over people, arousing fear in their hearts with your dark knowledge of the Force.  Why can't I have this power? This would be my solution for all my problems. I would solve them by myself, and maybe I would use this great power to dominate the entire world. I know that in an entry of my blog I said I would say no to politic power, but now my point of view has changed. Now I desire this power. World would know who I am, and how big would be my empire.

Myself is a Sith. Yes, I'm a Sith.


Today has been a s**t. One of my darkests days, and why? Life is a miss of time. When you think you have got people around you, this is the moment when you understand how alone you are. No one care of you, no one cares if you are sad or happy, they just care about theirself. That's why I think that I'm alone. Alone you come to the world, alone you live, alone you leave the world. No one stands by your side forever. You must be strong alone, your strength is based on you, not in the others.

Rage. Hate. Wrath. Fear. That's what the world is... No color, only darkness. As I said, strong people survive in this world. I must be strong. I must be iron, I must have my armour.

P.S: These are my thoughts, or maybe not... Nah, in fact they aren't my thoughts I just wanted to make a dramatic essay with a dramatic point of view.

Letter to Santa

Santa please, I don't know I have been a nice or a naughty boy, but I want to make you a request: I want Gaben to be a better person and launch Half Life 3. This fact would make people happier, not just me but the whole gamer community of the entire world.