divendres, 27 de gener del 2017


"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -George Santayana

Today I don't to do a freaky blog entry as always. Today I want to write about what has happened with Yolocaust. Yolocaust was a project whose objective was to criticize the "funny" selfies that people post on the Internet. What it did was for the sake of making people conscious of the place they are: "Das denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas" literally translated as " The monument for the slaughtered Jews in Europe". I aw an interview on the Internet that showed me how disrespectful was the people with this monument and how unconscious is the people about the Holocaust.

As a German citizen(yes I got German nationality) I agree with many people that think, the monument should be a place to go and think, to think about Holocaust and the consequences that it left behind. I shouldn't be a place to go and have fun, to smile, to laugh... No. It shouldn't.

I know that Holocaust is a thing that happened nearly 75 years ago, but my ancestors gave support to Hitler's insane governing. When I visited Auschwitz I was completely shocked, all the stuff I saw there was shocking in all ways. I'll always remember the tears that jews students that went there had in their faces, and moreover I'll never forget the amount of human hair I saw. After seeing it, I felt guilty. I know, I did nothing in that war, but really, we must be conscious of what we did and the consequences it brought, but, overall, we must show respect to  the monuments that remind us our crimes.

Link to Yolocaust: https://yolocaust.de/


Resultat d'imatges de monumento a los judios berlin
Monument to the slaughtered Jews in Europe

My visit to Auschwitz:

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