dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2016

007 Confirmed.



Resultat d'imatges de JetPack Aviation's JB-10A business is selling its new product, JetPack Aviation's JB-10, to a very small group of customers. This jetpack is the world's very first commercially available jetpack, just like it was extracted from a James Bond Movie.  The company has set up a funding campaign which has already raised its tenth of its goal. The objective of this campaign is to earn enough money to make real an electric jetpack.


I'm not a fan of the 007 movies but, I like this idea of  inventing a jetpack available, at least for now(I believe), for a small group of customers. I may be useful for some rescuing operations or who knows... Anyway I think that the dream of many kids has become true, but with a very expensive price.

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